Jo has expertise in spinal problems, sports injury and any type of musculoskeletal issue you may have. With a love for sports and music, she personally enjoys helping musicians with pain from playing or runners with RSI. She has an interest in hyper-mobility syndrome and RSI and comes across these issues regularly in her work.
Jo has specialised in orthopaedics and sports injury since 2005. She has worked in a variety of private practices in Manchester. She has always furthered her skills through on-going learning and CPD and therefore has additional skills in orthopaedic medicine, manual therapy, acupuncture, western dry needling, and is an APPI Pilates instructor.
Jo has practised traditional and western acupuncture along side regular Physiotherapy techniques since 2005. Acupuncture has provided an extra treatment skill providing reliable and excellent results.
She qualified as an Advanced Pilates instructor and has taught regualrly since 2012. Jo has addition APPI qualifications using small equipment, in pregnancy, for scoliosis and pink ribbon pilates for those recovering from breast surgery.
Jo has worked continuously as a Physiotherapist throughout her career and has wide experience of treating all kinds of problems.
Jo enjoys posture correction and biomechanics to ensure once a problem is treated and an over all solution has been put in place.
Jo ensures that her clients are well educated and understand their problem. Working as a partnership with her clients to achieve motivation and confidence in their recovery.
Jo commmited to evidence based practice and continued professional development. She is a registered with the HPCP, (Health and Care Professionals Council) and is a member of the CSP (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy) AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) and the APPI (Austrailian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute)
Jo is able to work with most insurance companies except Bupa at present as they currently are not accepting new therapists - we are hoping to change this very soon!
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